Just a bunch of Mud...

 On Tuesday after using a little soil for their flowerpots, we used the remainder of our soil and put it in a bucket and made a soil sensory bin. We hid gems, bumblebees, and leaves in the soil and then beside the bin we put water and watering cans... And then, as a friend in the Almond room said, "It's just a bunch of mud!" They had the best time, splashing and pouring water into the soil making a gigantic mud pit. Some kids were about elbow deep in the mud, while others chose to search through the soil before it became mud. It was very exciting to see how much fun they were having washing their gems and bees off and then combining the mud to the clean water πŸ˜‚ I love watching them get to explore every day! 

Before it became mud 
"I need to roll my sleeves up"

digging for treasure

and the mud play has begun

"No thanks" to the mud πŸ˜‚

Different sensory play but still fun! 

Indiana Learning Foundations: SC3.2: Demonstrate awareness of the preservation, protection, and care of living creatures and plants, SW2.1: Demonstrate self control, SW4.1: Demonstrate relationship skills, APL1.1: Demonstrate initiative and self-direction


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