Let's Build a Sukkah Friends!
This week we read "Sadie's Sukkah Breakfast" during circle time. A lot of our Almond friends have this book at home, I hear! They were really excited to tell me it looked just like theirs, and some friends were able to read out loud from memorizing it! After reading our book, Ms. Hannah asked the class if maybe they'd be interested in building a Sukkah of their own in the classroom, and our friends jumped on the idea! A little bit into it, I started realizing our friends thought Ms. Hannah meant to build their own with just a few blocks. After a couple minutes of explaining our friends started working together with their teachers to build the class Sukkah. We started with the walls and then the floor, block by block they built it all on their own. We found our green leaf canopy sitting in our classroom closet, and the kids and adults thought it would be the perfect roof. I was so proud of the Almond kids for learning to work together and for every time a friend knocked down the walls, they just kept putting them back up... together. 💚
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