Grateful Turkey Feathers

 On Monday and Thursday this week the kiddos painted their hands red, yellow and orange in the classroom and atelier. (and just to make it more interesting, we painted our feet too) They were given brown paper and told to place their hands on the paper three times in a row. We encouraged them to paint their hands with a paintbrush on their own helping them grow in their independence throughout the classroom and activities. We've been talking about thanksgiving and what we're grateful for this year. Most of the kiddos said mommy and daddy or "I don't know yet" but later in the week we got the answer of "the whole world" and I think that's pretty great. We added what our friends were thankful for on our feathers, and you can see them hanging up in our classroom during friends and family day. 

Indiana Learning Foundations: CA3.1: Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process or experience, CA3.2: Demonstrate creative expression through visual art production and presentation, APL3.1: Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence, APL1.1: Demonstrate initiative and self-direction


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