Dance it Out

 Every Morning is a Good Morning to DANCE IT OUT. You can dance out your fears for the day, you can dance out your sadness for the day, you can even dance out your giggles for the day if you try hard enough. The Almond room has been dancing it out these last few days with our ukulele's, scarves, shakers and chimes. We've made a fun playlist with all kinds of songs and had a few good laughs and smiles during our dance sessions. It's been setting the tone for the kind of day we're going to have and they have been the best days so far. Our Almond friends suggest you dance it out whenever life gets a little hard or boring. There's nothing a little dancing can't fix along the way.  

Indiana Learning Foundations: CA2.1: Demonstrate creative movement expression, CA1.1: Demonstrate creative music expression, PHG1.1: Demonstrate development of healthy practices, PHG2.2: Demonstrate development of body awareness and physical activity


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