Let's just see what we come up with- Art Inspo
On Wednesday instead of circle time we took some time to see what all we've learned to draw so far. Ms. Hannah laid a long white piece of paper on the floor and the kiddos helped put out marker cups and jumbo crayons for all the friends to use together. The kiddos were told to think of all the things we've made recently and see if they could remember how to make them on their own. They were told they could sit or lay on the floor and got to work quickly. When one friend was asked what they were making, they replied, "Who knows, I guess." getting a quick laugh out of me and then followed up with "Maybe a big planet head." Another friend asked Ms. Hannah to help them with their name again and tried to copy their letters, while a few others drew themselves and their families! It's always a good time when we can use our imagination and memory to make a new piece of art.
Indiana Learning Foundations: CA2.1: Demonstrate creative movement expression, CA3.1: Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process or experience, CA3.2: Demonstrate creative expression through visual art production and presentation, ELA 3.1: Demonstrate mechanics of writing
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