Warmer Winter Days

 Oh man has it been cold! This week's weather was just what was needed for the Almond class. Sunshine and smiles were seen and felt all around us as we got to be back in some of our favorite spaces. We went to the outdoor classroom on Tuesday, and though there was some slick ice to watch out for, we got to climb a tree, play in the sandbox and spin some wheels. Tuesday and Wednesday we had some of the best play time on the playground, going down the slide, cooking food in the mud kitchen and swinging on the swings! Fingers crossed for more warmer days like these, we just love them!

"Just looking Ms. Hannah!"

Headed to Israel 

Triumphant Climber

Peek a Boo

Just hangin 


Headed to Baltimore for the weekend

Cupcakes anyone?

Cookin up some rice

All Smiles on top of her mountain 

Watchin the Olive crew across the playground

"Hannah me too!"

Happiness on the Slide

Free Fallin'

Indiana Learning Foundations: PHG2.2: Demonstrate development of body awareness and physical activity, PHG3.1: Demonstrate development of fine and gross motor coordination, CA2.1: Demonstrate creative movement expression


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