Can you draw your favorite animal?
An icebreaker is always the way to go during circle time to set up the next best experience for the children in the classroom. This week's question, "What's your favorite animal at the zoo?" The only surprising animal was a unicorn! Silly kiddos! After circle time we ventured off to do our large group activity at the tables. The kiddos grabbed their toy animal and placed it on the table, they then found the matching colors and got to work! Some friends drew their tigers' stripes, some friends drew the lion's mane, and one friend traced their animal! Their creative minds reach new heights every day and I'll never be tired of saying it!
Indiana Learning Foundations: M5.2 Understand measurement through description and comparison, SC1.2: Demonstrate awareness of the physical properties of objects, APL1.2: Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner, APL3.1: Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
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