Zoo Wash
On Monday morning we did what we do best, we woke up. It's always a slow start for anyone after a fun weekend and in the Almond room, we find it best to start the week hanging out and laughing together. During free play I was able to sit and play magnets with my best friends and as we were fixing a tower that was accidentally smashed, Miss Hannah got an idea. What if we made a zoo wash? "What's a zoo wash?" "Sort of like a car wash, but where the zookeepers take the animals to get cleaned!" "Well, this animal looks a little stinky, here put it in the zoo wash."
Feeding off of a Monday free play, Ms. Hannah set up a wash bay on the tables Monday and Tuesday! It turns out, the animals snuck out of the zoo again and got into paint! They needed a great big scrub two days in a row! Water and Soap are such a fun way to get the day started.
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