Hamantaschen Baking

The Almond Room? We LOVE to bake with Mrs. Georgia, and even more? Baking with Mrs. Georgia and Miss Michaela when she helps her. This Friday we made Hamantaschen in the cafeteria to take home as our special treat for Shabbat to celebrate the upcoming holiday Purim. The kiddos got to fill each hamantaschen with chocolate, raspberry, or strawberry filling, and the Almond kids did not disappoint... Chocolate was the only way to go. They started with rolling out their dough and then using a cookie cutter to cut the shape, after they moved down the line and put in their filling using a spoon and then they pinched the edges with the help of Miss Michaela. I love watching them bake with Mrs. Georgia because they always seem to have the best time, and they spend a lot more time talking about what they are taking home and going to share with their families. It leads for a sweet conversation throughout the day. 

Stttrrrrronggggg MUSCLES!!!

Got right to it! Bestie girl doesn't need a spoon! 

Okay so one of my besties used raspberry and not chocolate😊

Keeping that hair out of her face!

Strongest bestie there is

This bestie was the most clear about wanting her chocolate! 

Indiana Learning Foundations: APL3.1: Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence, PHG2.1: Demonstrate how the five senses support processing information, PHG1.3: Demonstrate development of nutrition awareness


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