
Showing posts from January, 2025

Space Jam Friday

 Today we said goodbye to our beloved Space unit! It was a jam-packed day with messy art, heading to Saturn and playing with its sand, working on the rocket ship with tools and a dance party during lunch. This was an extra special day for our friends, and they seemed to enjoy it 110%. We are so happy to be on Earth and off our rocket ship. A few of our friends have decided as soon as they land, they are headed to grab their mommy's and daddy's for a big, huge space hug.  Indiana Learning Foundations: M5.1: Understand the concept of time, SC1.1: Demonstrate ability to explore objects in the physical world, SC4.1: Demonstrate engineering design skills, SC5.1: Demonstrate scientific curiosity

Let's just see what we come up with- Art Inspo

 On Wednesday instead of circle time we took some time to see what all we've learned to draw so far. Ms. Hannah laid a long white piece of paper on the floor and the kiddos helped put out marker cups and jumbo crayons for all the friends to use together. The kiddos were told to think of all the things we've made recently and see if they could remember how to make them on their own. They were told they could sit or lay on the floor and got to work quickly. When one friend was asked what they were making, they replied, "Who knows, I guess." getting a quick laugh out of me and then followed up with "Maybe a big planet head." Another friend asked Ms. Hannah to help them with their name again and tried to copy their letters, while a few others drew themselves and their families! It's always a good time when we can use our imagination and memory to make a new piece of art.  Indiana Learning Foundations: CA2.1: Demonstrate creative movement expression, CA3.1: D...

Warmer Winter Days

 Oh man has it been cold! This week's weather was just what was needed for the Almond class. Sunshine and smiles were seen and felt all around us as we got to be back in some of our favorite spaces. We went to the outdoor classroom on Tuesday, and though there was some slick ice to watch out for, we got to climb a tree, play in the sandbox and spin some wheels. Tuesday and Wednesday we had some of the best play time on the playground, going down the slide, cooking food in the mud kitchen and swinging on the swings! Fingers crossed for more warmer days like these, we just love them! "Just looking Ms. Hannah!" Headed to Israel  Triumphant Climber Peek a Boo Just hangin  Precious Headed to Baltimore for the weekend Cupcakes anyone? Cookin up some rice All Smiles on top of her mountain  Watchin the Olive crew across the playground "Hannah me too!" Happiness on the Slide Free Fallin' Indiana Learning Foundations: PHG2.2: Demonstrate development of body awareness ...

Dance it Out

 Every Morning is a Good Morning to DANCE IT OUT. You can dance out your fears for the day, you can dance out your sadness for the day, you can even dance out your giggles for the day if you try hard enough. The Almond room has been dancing it out these last few days with our ukulele's, scarves, shakers and chimes. We've made a fun playlist with all kinds of songs and had a few good laughs and smiles during our dance sessions. It's been setting the tone for the kind of day we're going to have and they have been the best days so far. Our Almond friends suggest you dance it out whenever life gets a little hard or boring. There's nothing a little dancing can't fix along the way.   Indiana Learning Foundations: CA2.1: Demonstrate creative movement expression, CA1.1: Demonstrate creative music expression, PHG1.1: Demonstrate development of healthy practices, PHG2.2: Demonstrate development of body awareness and physical activity